The last output of the project: Training Course in all countries.
Do you want to know more about it?
Third Transnational Meeting in Barcelona 26-27 October
26 27 October all partners of the consortium came to Barcelona in order to do the third transnational meeting. Among other things, we discussed about the sustainability of the project and its impact!

Some photos of the Final Conference in Barcelona!

National Conference in Bulgary:
More than 40 people assisted to the National Conference that had the aim to familiarize educators with “Interactive Groups”!
They discussed about the dialogical approach of learning and the roles in the classroom, the results of the project, the motivation of participants and so on.

First Transnational Meeting
21 & 22 April 2016 Barcelona

Second Transnational Meeting
8th & 9th November 2016

Good news from Sweden...!

“I think that the ones who learn more, are those who share”.
Participant of the digiUP pilot course in Spain
“It has been really useful for me to have studied in this program, and I liked how practical it was and the dynamic of team work, helping each other, and this way we have advanced more easily”
Participant of the digiUP pilot course in Spain
Presentation 2017
Presentation 2016
Interactive Guide (OUTPUT 2)
The second output of the project, the INTERACTIVE GUIDE, is now available for everyone, and you will find videos, activities, photos and much more about Interactive Groups in ICT!!!